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Table of Contents

Text Formatting Links and Images and Files Link examples Other Layout Page Includes Special Tags Preventing WikitextWikispaces uses the following text markup rules. Remember that you can skip wikitext entirely by using the visual editor.\\ \\

Text Formatting


| Heading 1\\ | = heading 1 =\\ | | Heading 2\\ | == heading 2 ==\\ | | Heading 3\\ | === heading 3 ===\\ | | Bulleted List\\ | * list\\ | | Numbered List\\ | # numbered\\ | | Bold\\ | **bold**\\ | | Italics\\ | italics\\ | | Underline\\ | underline\\ | | Monospaced Font\\ | curly braces\\ | | Escaping\\ | ` `escaping` ` (surround in double backtick characters).\\ | | Indenting\\ | > indent\\ | \\

Links and Images and Files


| Page Link\\ | label or just pagename\\ | | Page Link in Another Space\\ | label or just space:pagename\\ | | URL\\ | http://some.url\\ | | Email\\ |\\ | | Labeled URL\\ | [label\\ | | Image\\ | File:Name.jpg (png, jpeg, and gif - learn more about image tags)\\ | | File\\ | File:name.txt (any file type supported)\\ | | Anchor\\ | #anchor see wikitext anchor for more details\\ | \\

Link examples

foo\\ This will display the text "foo" on the page which will be a link to the page in this space also called "foo".\\ \\ bar\\ This will display the text "bar" on the page which will be a link to the page in this space called "foo".\\ \\ hep:the\\ This will display the text "hep:the" on the page which will be a link to the page in the "hep" space called "the".\\ \\ bar\\ This will display the text "bar" on the page which will be a link to the page in the "hep" space called "the".\\ \\

Other Layout


| Horizontal Line\\ | ----\\ | | Table\\ | || table cell || table cell || table cell ||\\ | | Table Heading Cell\\ | !! heading1 !! heading2 ||\\ | \\ | | Table Cell Alignment\\ | ||= centered ||> right ||\\ | \\ | | Table Column Spans (merging columns together)\\ | |||| spans 2 columns ||\\ || col1 || col2 ||\\ | \\ | | Table of Contents\\ | or flat\\ | note that flat only displays first level headings using the = heading = syntax\\ | | Right-to-Left text\\ | rtl ... rtl\\ | note that the rtl tags must be on their own lines\\ | \\

Page Includes
Pages can be included inside other pages to make larger pages by using the include tag. This can be useful in breaking a large page up into smaller, more manageable pieces, or to create reusable components, like headers and footers, that can be included on multiple pages. The only required attribute of the include tag is the **page** attribute. Includes can optionally include a section title using the **title** attribute or can include an edit button, allowing users to edit the included page directly, using the **editable** attribute.\\ 

| Basic Include\\ | include page="PAGENAME"\\ | | Include With Section Title\\ | include page="PAGENAME" title="Section Title"\\ | | Include With Direct Edit Button\\ | include page="PAGENAME" editable="true"\\ | \\

Special Tags


| Signature\\ | - [|jbyers [jbyers\\ | (three tildes)(i.e. ~)\\ | | Signature with Date\\ | - [|jbyers [jbyers Mar 10, 2005\\ | (four tildes) (i.e.~)\\ | | Source Code\\ | <syntaxhighlight> ... </syntaxhighlight>\\ | see the code page for details on color highlighting\\ | | Mathematics\\ | math ... math\\ | supporting LaTeX math markup\\ | | RSS Feeds\\ | rss ... \\ | see wikitext rss for more details\\ | | Embedded Media\\ | media ...\\ | see wikitext media for more details\\ |

Preventing Wikitext
Sometimes the content of your page will include some of the above wikitext, and Wikispaces will mark up that text. For example, an equation that contains 2 equals signs (a = b = c) will look like a heading, or a footnote (* see details) will be interpreted as an unordered list. To prevent this markup, wikitext can be **escaped** by surrounding the ambiguous area with double back ticks. The back tick character is on the same key as the ~ tilde character on the keyboard. For example, to prevent a list from being displayed, use:\\  ` ` * this is a footnote, not a list item` `