This is the New Home of home of the W&M Wikis. In order to access your Wiki you need to enter the Wiki Name as follows:
https://yourwikiname.wmwikis.net where "yourwikiname" is the name of your wiki that you previously started or chose.
If you need to start a new wiki please forward you request to our IT help desk at W&M (email: [[1]] or phone: 757-221-4357 (HELP)), or log a ticket through Request IT (https://support.wm.edu/cherwellportal)
Introduction to Wikis
To access your wiki, you need to enter the URL of your wiki and "Log in" (top right-hand corner). W&M Wiki's by default are marked as private and only users who are members or administrators of the wiki will be able to view and edit the wikis depending on their permissions level.
W&M Wikis provides members of William & Mary with a space to collaborate and share ideas with one another and engage with the world beyond the university.
The uses of Wikis by individuals, informal groups and academic and administrative office are limited only by your imagination and your ability to put words on "paper".